Workshop equipment
Equip your workshop with state-of-the-art equipment. Large selection of accessories for workshops - furniture, tool drawers, presses, machine stands and more ...
Mobile extendable trolley izvlačenje TAW76 Holzmann Maschinen
Mobile extendable trolley izvlačenje TAW76 Holzmann Maschinen
Foldable sawhorse SBO3X Holzmann Maschinen
Foldable sawhorse SBO3X Holzmann Maschinen
Double side mobile extendable trolley TAW70DUO Holzmann Maschinen
Double side mobile extendable trolley TAW70DUO Holzmann Maschinen
Mobile extendable trolley TAW140 Holzmann Maschinen
Mobile extendable trolley TAW140 Holzmann Maschinen
Storage bin rack KSR94 Holzmann Maschinen
Storage bin rack KSR94 Holzmann Maschinen
Foldable wall workbench WB142FOLD Holzmann Maschinen
Foldable wall workbench WB142FOLD Holzmann Maschinen
Folding work table WST100SOLID Holzmann Maschinen
Folding work table WST100SOLID Holzmann Maschinen
Workshop organisation collection WESS13 Holzmann Maschinen
Workshop organisation collection WESS13 Holzmann Maschinen
Mini plunge saw TAS89M_230V Holzmann Maschinen
Mini plunge saw TAS89M_230V Holzmann Maschinen
Work bench WT1700 Holzmann Maschinen
Work bench WT1700 Holzmann Maschinen