Lawn mower LM46CPBK-BS500Plus Briggs&Stration - st
Engine Type: B&S 500E, OHV
Cylinder Capacity: 125cc
Engine power: 1.69kW@2800rpm
Drive type: Self-propelled
Working width: 46cm (18inch)
Housing: steel
Cutting height: 25-75mm
(8 position central)
Wheel size: Front/Rear: 7”/10”
Collect bag with plastic hard top: 62L
4 IN 1
EAN/UPC: 3858895200763
In our offer of garden tools and machines, you will surely find an item that will meet your requirements.
If you have a large lawn, it is ideal for you to look at our assortment and master mowing with a tractor or a regular/self-propelled lawnmower.
Your lawn is something you can be proud of.
So, when the grass grows, make the most of mowing with a reliable tractor or lawnmower that can do any job in your yard.